What was I pleased about again?
Oh yeah, my eldest is home.
Why is it, when kids go away (even for just a week), you don’t get the same child back? This new one I’ve got, well, if this is an indication of the teenage years soon to come, then I quit!
I didn’t mind him being tired (only to be expected if you’ve been travelling for twenty-two hours and instead of sleeping, stayed up and watched movies), I didn’t mind him not talking (getting blood out of a stone would have been easier), I stayed calm when he called his brother a stupid idiot (though I reminded him we don’t use those words in this house), I shrugged when he refused to take a shower, and I patiently explained each and every time he demanded to know why he couldn’t go to bed until six last night.
But bloody hell it was an effort! And I wasn’t expecting him to be even worse today!
After thirteen hours asleep, we woke him for school. But he didn’t want to go. If it was just attitude he gave us, I could cope. But the endless tears and refusing to eat, had both the BH and I flummoxed.
I tried explaining that he had already had three and half days off school before half-term, and it really wasn’t on to take the mickey and stay home just because you’re tired. But his tears didn’t stop, and in the end I caved and said he could stay home. So all morning as I dashed about, he sat huddled in the back of my car with his coat on and hood up. Of course he’s more relaxed now, sat in front of the TV. (I did think of sending him to his room until we go out on the next school runs, but I’m too afraid he’ll fall asleep and spend half the night awake – only to be too tired again tomorrow!)
But honestly. I really need some time without the children! Have I even had a week since the Christmas break when at least one of them wasn’t home? If I have, I was too busy to notice!
But enough grumbling. You’re here, I’m here, and I promised to show you my son’s holiday photos. That’s what you came back for, isn’t it? Admit it! And I’m going to show you. ALL of them! So get comfy.
Ready? Okay here’s the first:
Yes. It’s meat. Not sure if this is a man thing, or just an eleven year old thing, but he wanted to take a picture of this meat. I’m saying nothing more for fear my sarcasm will get the better of me. After all, it’s probably my own fault, as I told him to take pictures of EVERYTHING (and I reinforced that request each occassion I talked with him!)
So onto the others. Here they are:
Yes. That’s right, four. Count them again. Four pictures. FOUR??!!!!!
And I know two are virtually the same, but I didn't have the choice I was hoping for.
I even checked the download twice, just to make sure I hadn’t missed any, of a pillow or something. But no, he has restraint and took just the four. Three, if you don’t count the meat. Which I’m choosing not to.
So much for that holiday scrapbook I was planning on making him. But then, the mood he’s in, he probably would have rolled his eyes at my daft idea anyway.
Overall he said he enjoyed himself, and I’m hoping his mood will thaw and we might even get to hear about some of the things he did. But at the moment, all I know is what movies he saw on the plane, that he came second in his class speed race, and in America they have Jesus action toys. Go figure.