Monday, June 26, 2006

Oh goody, it’s Monday. Again.

R’s school took his year group to France today, just for the day. It required an early start and I wasn’t surprised to find R in the kitchen making toast at 6:15. Was a tad surprised to find S up with him, but they settled down to eat their breakfasts whilst I sorted out the river the dog had created overnight (I might have to start limiting his water after 6pm like the kids!)

Wasn’t best pleased when I heard a crashing sound and turned around to discover Kobi on the table knocking S’s unfinished breakfast cereal everywhere. Even less pleased when I was clearing that up, and I heard that glorious noise regular readers will know I despise – someone was being loudly sick.

Rushing to the scene (yeah I can be a good mom, even when every instinct I have tells me to run the other way!), I discovered the worst possible situation – it was R. And to make matters worse he’d already taken his anti-histamine, and though there was a good chance most of it had come up, I couldn’t give him another as the bottle gives severe warnings about taking two in one day.

As you can imagine there was much pleading and tears to come. But I have to be responsible sometimes, and though we’d paid for the damn trip, there was no way we could let him go.

When I called the teacher she said she was pleased I was honest as on previous years some parents had still allowed sick kids to go (no doubt bullied by the tears and slamming doors), and that just messed up everyone’s day.

But to say R was furious is an understatement. And he kept saying he felt fine, that it was probably just nerves, or the anti-histamine taken earlier than normal. He barely spoke to us as the clock headed towards 8 and he informed us the boat would be leaving. Even bribery in the form of PS2 didn’t help. I left him here this morning feeling like the worst mom in the world.

Now it’s lunchtime, and thank the heavens – he really IS ill!

Well, I don’t mean thank heavens he’s ill, just that I’m glad I’m no longer the angst-ridden-over-reacting-mother he considered me this morning. And I’ve had to warn him, he may not make the cricket day planned for tomorrow (figured I was better to mention it whilst he was gripping his stomach and swallowing hard ;o))

Oh and the poor dog is still waiting for his walk, that’ll teach him for being thrilled at so much company early in the morning!


Blogger MarkD60 said...

I'm glad you had this title! I thought it was Sunday today!

Monday, June 26, 2006 1:30:00 pm  
Blogger Douglas Hoffman said...

Thank God he's ill!

You're cracking me up, J.

Monday, June 26, 2006 3:15:00 pm  
Blogger Page Turner said...

I don't know about you, but I'd be ready to shoot that dog!! What's with the peeing inside?? For sure limit his water after 6pm! He should be getting the hang of things pretty soon.

Monday, June 26, 2006 6:30:00 pm  
Blogger rdl said...

poor kid, but you are a good mom!
I know what is with that dog? how old is he now? Hope you're pushing his nose in it.

Monday, June 26, 2006 10:11:00 pm  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

I really feel sorry for R. Give him an extra strong hug from me, please.

And tell the dog to shape up or ship out.

Monday, June 26, 2006 10:46:00 pm  
Blogger Pernicious Panda said...

France? Just for the day? For a field trip? You really do live in an enchanted isle, don't you? Sorry R missed his trip, but it sounds like he may get another chance at some point.


Monday, June 26, 2006 11:05:00 pm  
Blogger Huw said...

Tell R from me he got off lightly: he can take it from me, he really doesn't want to try vomiting in one of those holes in the floor the Frenchman tries to pass off as a toilet.

Thursday, June 29, 2006 1:14:00 am  

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