Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sharing the madness

On Friday I seriously began to wonder if I was barking. All week (or is it two?) I’ve been ill – but not in the morning. It’s like I have all this energy until around lunchtime, then begin feeling cold, and within an hour my entire body aches with a thumping headache. But the days have been long and horribly busy, and mixed with my low ebb, I began to figure it might be my mind’s way of trying to slow me down.
Some chance. Instead, hot baths at lunchtime have become regular, and I’m living on flu remedies (and that’s literal, as I’m off food).

I managed to keep up with my commitments, but I’m behind on things I like, like keeping up with all of you. I’m hoping to get to the doctors Tuesday, so with any luck I’ll be back on form shortly.

But back to how I know I’m not totally nuts. Yesterday, the BH got ill with the same thing! At the same time, which wasn’t so great as we had the matinee performance of our girls at the ballet, followed by an hours break before J was back on stage for the FINAL performance.

Thank heavens. Don’t mean to sound negative as it’s been a wonderful experience for her, but blimey I’m exhausted! Ironically she sailed through the entire week, still managing school each day, though she did get very poorly around four this morning and caused quite a lot of dashing about with her incessant vomiting – but that could have just been an average bug, as S had the same thing Thursday night.

(That’s S, in the middle. Yep, the one facing the wrong way.)

Was even more tired on Thursday as the day didn’t slowed until nearly ten, due to R being on an ‘around the island’ walk. He completed thirty-six miles, after going for nearly thirteen hours! We were surprised, as was he, that he managed it. He’d been saying he was aiming for eighteen miles, and I kept berating him for such a short-sighted attitude – but I wasn’t serious – the boy’s only eleven and isn’t that fit compared to lots of his class-mates. Of course a few of the super fit boys apparently dropped out because they were off on holiday this weekend and didn’t want to be hobbling along, but… still, whatever the reasons, only four boys from R’s class managed it.

(But not to worry, she figured out her mistake.)

But I was telling you about the girls! My mind’s wandering again, sorry. Here are a couple of pictures I managed to take – apologies for the quality, but I wasn’t feeling too good and everything happened quickly.

(J’s in the middle, the multi-coloured blue fish in the middle.)

(And she even managed to be the middle of the cast farewel

What else have my days held? Oh yes, going mad. I can still hear him. Ryker. Wasn’t going to mention it, as I was sure I was alone with this particular insanity, but No! Dared to ask the BH if I was the only one who could still hear Ryker’s heavy sighs and the occasional scratch at the door, or jingle of his collar – and thankfully, it isn’t just me! Strangely this gives me the romantic hope that he’s still with us, as opposed to the children having a couple of fruit-cakes raising them.

I know it’s just our minds playing tricks, but there is comfort is some shared madness!


Blogger rdl said...

How cute! Sounds like the illness went thru yr. house; Glad you are on the mend.

Sunday, April 09, 2006 10:22:00 pm  
Blogger Southern Sweetheart said...

What dolls you have!!! So stinkin' cute - I know you are proud of them.

Sorry to hear about Ryker - I know how difficult that is. My heart goes out to you.

Hope you start feeling better soon. I miss you.

Sunday, April 09, 2006 11:47:00 pm  
Blogger Page Turner said...

I know what you're talking about with still hearing the dog. When my dog, Bella, passed I always had an haunting feeling whenever I would pick up my car keys because when she was alive and I'd pick up my car keys I would hear her collar jingle as she got up to see where we were going. For months after her passing I would still hear her collar after I picked up my car keys. It's strange how they fit so well into our daily happenings that our minds compensate for their absense. For me too, it was a comfort, as well as sadness to realize she wasn't actually there.

Monday, April 10, 2006 12:59:00 am  
Blogger Monique said...

The pictures are adorable! So sorry you've been sick. I hope you are feeling better very soon.

And I'm so terribly sorry to read the news about your dog. How heartbreaking. After we lost our dog, I still heard her scratching at the back door for a long time, so I can definitely relate.

Monday, April 10, 2006 4:39:00 am  
Blogger Dave said...

Get well soon.

Monday, April 10, 2006 6:46:00 am  
Blogger Sam said...

What pretty pictures!!!
I was dreadfully ill after my dog died - emotional flu, I called it. Of course, it may have been a bug going around.
Hope everything gets back on track soon!!

Monday, April 10, 2006 12:50:00 pm  
Blogger Karen said...

The pictures are so cute!! I'm glad you were able to have some smiles during your sadness. *BIG HUGS*

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 3:43:00 pm  
Blogger Monique said...

I hope you are feeling better!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 9:02:00 pm  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

The girls will be with you -- and so will Ryker. It will be okay, Debi. Just rest, and smile.

Friday, April 14, 2006 2:31:00 am  
Blogger Susan said...

The kids look so cute and the outfits are amazing. Hope you are all feeling back to normal soon.

Sunday, April 16, 2006 12:15:00 am  

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