Friday, November 25, 2005

Good Morning!

S woke me in hysterics this morning. Gave me the fright of my bloody life! Which actually always happens when someone runs up when I’m asleep, puts a cold hand on my arm and sobs uncontrollably in my ear.

I think I cursed as I sat up, wondering if the world was ending. But once I knew I was awake and collected my wits [I’m never the brightest when woken], I managed to make out that she was telling me she’d wet the bed.

Poor thing. This is only the second time ever, which is darn amazing when you recall what I hard time I have with her big sister [still]. Little S was so organised she’d even sorted herself out before waking me! Though I am a tad concerned where she’s put her nightclothes as I couldn’t find them stumbling about in the dark. After I sorted her bed, she crawled back in, gave me a super-big hug, lay down and went straight off to sleep.

Bloody wish I could! But I daren’t, as getting two hours tagged onto a nights sleep knocks me for six. I wake up feeling like I’ve just taken a sleeping tablet, and it takes hours to pass. Is everyone the same this way?

And in truth, as J normally has her accidents by 2am, I don’t get many early mornings and I like the house when it’s sleeping and the heating’s been on. And that was a stroke of luck too as the heating doesn’t normally fire up till six in the morning, but I was so bloody cold last night I decided I was too old to wake up freezing every morning and decided to treat myself.

So now, here I am awake, nice and warm, at the best time of the day, AND it’s Friday! Umm, I might make the tribe porridge for their breakfast. And do some writing first. Funny, I would never set my alarm for this time [as I tend to need more than five hours sleep], but it’s a treat when it doesn’t happen too often.

Here’s hoping my day stays as sweet!


Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

I love it when you have a good time. Cheers me right up.

But, you are not going to explain that cryptic entry of yesterday? Fie.

Friday, November 25, 2005 6:53:00 pm  

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