Sunday, May 13, 2007

Getting ratty!

I’m in pain. I have been for over a week, and I shouldn’t even be telling you about it as typing is one of the things that causes the bloody pain!

I’ve even been to the doctor already (and we all know how tight I am!), and you know what he said? Talk about adding insult to injury, he suggested I work on my ‘posture’! POSTURE? Bloody posture?! I have the best bloody posture of most people I know!!

But I didn’t say that. I humbly nodded, and later told my mother who did the laughing for me. I’m in too much pain to laugh, instead I roll my shoulders back a lot, stick out my boobs, and try to remember never to cross my legs.

At least the doctor said if it wasn’t better after a week of anti-inflammatories, I could have an x-ray. Only three days to go.

Then it’ll probably be a week or so before the Dr’s ready to see me, and then… then what? Bloody hell I don’t know, don’t care either, just hope he can stop the bloody pain.

I’m not so bad in the day, it’s just the mornings, evenings, and nights which are the worst. Trying to sleep is the real killer, doesn’t seem to matter how I arrange myself, my shoulder screams.

Last night was bad. I was nearly asleep, oh so nearly… when I heard a beep. It was loud, but I was nearly asleep so I tried to ignore it.

But the beeps kept coming. Every three minutes I estimate. And bloody hell three minutes can be a long time when you’re standing in a hall trying to determine where the bloody beep is coming from!

You should see the hall now. Every electronic toy I stumbled over is pilled high, the night lights and room fresheners are all unplugged and stuffed under various cushions, every tv, video, and dvd player was quickly switched off at the wall, while ipods, speakers and anything else I could find was shoved in drawers.

But how is it, in a house of six, that I’m the only person it bothered?! Sure, some turned over and grumbled in their sleep as I tiptoed around rooms, trying to determine where the bloody beep originated from, but between the teeth grinding, snorting (both from R!), and snoring, they were all content and peaceful.

I, on the other hand, lugged my stupid, painful right shoulder about, and cursed the lot of them! But I found the bloody beep, and I’ve half a mind to take number 1 son’s phone away from him if he can’t keep the damn thing charged whilst keeping it in some obscure pocket!

Eventually I got back to bed. But I wasn’t tired by then, just pissed off and in pain. Funny how you start to notice little things in the dead of night, like the fact it feels like I live in a barnyard!

Between the snoring, the grunts, and the demented mumblings of others dreams, it’s a wonder I got any sleep at all.

Though in fairness I should add, the BH has been telling me all week how I keep screaming swear words in my sleep.

And I know I woke up swearing this morning, when I rolled on my bloody shoulder.

So here we are, on a damp miserable Sunday morning, with an hour to go until I have to wake J for ballet. Now the house is quiet. Except for the mutt, who’s busy chomping on a bone and trying to tempt my slippers into playing. If he keeps it up, I’ll kick him.


Blogger Page Turner said...

Hi Jona. Maybe you have tendonitis. It's a real pain and I used to get it all the time. Nothing helped and I was in pain steadily when it flared up! Nothing worse than constant pain...which my back is in most days.

It's good to read you again.

Monday, May 14, 2007 12:10:00 am  
Blogger rdl said...

sorry hon, i know how terrible that pain in the shoulder can be. I say get a new doctor, straight away! I wouldn't have left the office til they gave me pain meds. my doc gives me whatever i need. if you were near i would share. my arm is finally pain free - my advice - rest!! i know, how with that brood. lay down the law?/get them to pick up/threaten?
take care!

Monday, May 14, 2007 2:27:00 am  
Blogger Dave said...

So sorry for you. I'm in a little pain myself, but at least I've got strong pain killers.

Shame about the pain, because otherwise with a policy of 'I roll my shoulders back a lot, stick out my boobs, and try to remember never to cross my legs' you might be having a lot of fun.

Monday, May 14, 2007 7:04:00 am  
Blogger MarkD60 said...

You poor girl. I hope you feel better. What happened to your shoulder anyway?
I grind my teeth like your son, so bad I get headaches bad from it. It's wearing my teeth out!

Monday, May 14, 2007 8:55:00 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ouch hopefully the doc can find out what's wrong and fix it so you don't have any more pain

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 2:45:00 pm  
Blogger Daisy Martin said...

Ouch, you poor thing. I hope the doc gave you some pain pills. Try putting a heating pad on it, that helps my back sometimes.

I too am a sleep swearer. Sometimes I catch myself when I am half asleep. The hubby says it can get pretty interesting.

Thursday, May 17, 2007 2:48:00 am  
Blogger Page Turner said...

Just wanted to let you know that I've changed the address of my blog...I've just taken out the word 'stuff' in the address so Eric won't read it anymore.

Saturday, May 19, 2007 3:44:00 pm  

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